Fees for April and May must be paid in the month of March, along with the fees of March, even by the pupils who leave the School in March.
Delay in payment beyond two months renders the name of the pupil liable to be removed from the rolls.
- The school will not be responsible for the loss of the cash /cheque send through the pupils.
- Those who do not pay the fees by the end of the fourth Week are liable to fine of Rs. 5/
- Admission fee once paid is not refundable.
- School fees may be paid in full for the whole year, the beginning of the year or term. Those who pay one year's fees by June 30th shall get half months' fee as Concession.
- Pupils once admitted can not be withdrawn without a months notice Ora months fee in lieu of such notice.
Fee Timing: 9.00am to 12.00noon
On 1 to 15" of every month.