

  • Pupil must be present in the school premises fifteen minutes before the School starts.
  • Pupils shall be punctual. They must take seats in their classes immediately after the warning bell. When the second bell goes pupils should assemble in the school quadrangle in order and in silence. After the assembly they should go to their classes in perfect order.
  • ➢ A pupil who is habitually late, comes to school without proper uniform, does not abide by the school rules will be liable for dismissal.
  • The school authorities will not be responsible for any child who disappears or runs away from the school premises without permission. During intervals and play time the pupils shall not go out of the school premises. They should avoid shouting, quarrels and the use of discourteous language.
  • Pupils are not allowed to wear any jewellery or bring any valuable article to the School.
  • Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings..
  • All are expected to speak English in the classroom and in the campus for ordinary conversation. Otherwise they will fined.
  • Students are strictly forbidden to write or scribble on wall, desks etc... or to throw paper or spill ink around class rooms or to cause damage to the School property in any other way. Damage done should be compensated for at the desertion of the principal.
  • The Principal has the right to request the withdrawal of any pupil whose behavior or progress in her opinion is unsatisfactory.
  • No visitors will be permitted to see any student or teacher during class hours.
  • Students shall daily bring their hand books to school. Those who do not bring they shall be fined.
  • No literature other than textbooks or library books must be brought to the school premises without principal’s sanction. Students found having immoral books or picture in their possession or found landing them to others are liable to be expelled from the school.
  • Parents can meet the teachers on the first and third Saturday of every month from 12.00 to 1.00 pm. (School Section) First and third Friday 12.00 to 1.00pm of every month for Baby Land.
  • No school business will be transacted on holidays and at the residence of the Office bearers of the School.
  • lf a student's performance is very poor, he/she should be withdrawn from the school with Leaving Certificate.
  • Leaving Certificate will not be issued unless the school dues are cleared and all books and articles belonging to the School are returned.
  • Every student should endeavor to keep up the high standard of the school by excelling in good manners and deportment. For the smooth running of the school no students may bring into the school any object liable to prove a Source of disturbance e.g. Crackers, water pistols, transistors, electronic gadgets etc.
  • Parents and guardians have to co-operate with the authorities of the school for enforcing regularity and discipline and for promoting the intellectual and Cultural development of the children. They should every day supervise and check their child’s homework. Reports On students Conduct and progress are issued after each examination. Parents Should Come and See these reports and should take corrective measures